IDPrincipleGuidelineSuccess CriteriaLevelVersionTestCategoryRole
1PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2all <img> elements must have an alt attributecontentcontent editor
2PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2all descriptive <img> elements must have a succinct description of the image using alt text, aria-label or aria-labelledbycontentcontent editor
3PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2all complex descriptive <img> element descriptions must be provided adjacent to the image or on a separate pagecontentcontent editor
4PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2all controls have an accessible name describing its purpose (often but not always a programmatically linked label)custom controls, forms and UIdeveloper
5PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2two different modalities of CAPTCHA are providedcontentcontent editor
6PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2or, providing access to a human to bypass CAPTCHAcontentcontent editor
7PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2or, not requiring CAPTCHA for authorised userscontentcontent editor
8PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2a text alternative is provided for charts and graphscontentcontent editor
9PerceivableText Alternatives1.1.1 Non-text ContentA2a text or exercise invalid if presented in text has text identification describing the non-text contentcontentcontent editor
10PerceivableTime-based media1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)A2pre-recorded video with no dialogue must come with easily reached text or audio description of what happens visuallyaudio / videocontent editor
11PerceivableTime-based media1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)A2pre-recorded audio must come with easily reached text transcriptaudio / videocontent editor
12PerceivableTime-based media1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)A2video must come with synchronised captions of dialogue, who is speaking and non-speech information including meaningful sound effectsaudio / videocontent editor
13PerceivableTime-based media1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)A2pre-recorded video containing essential information conveyed visually must come with easily reached full-text alternative describing important visual detailsaudio / videocontent editor
14PerceivableTime-based media1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)A2or, an audio description track is providedaudio / videocontent editor
15PerceivableTime-based media1.2.4 Captions (Live)AA2live audio content must have text-based synchronised captionsaudio / videocontent editor
16PerceivableTime-based media1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)AA2video containing essential information conveyed visually must have a synchronised audio description soundtrackaudio / videocontent editor
17PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2elements must be used according to their semantics not how they appearcontentdeveloper
18PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2data tables must have header cells created using the <th> elementcontentdeveloper
19PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2data tables must have a summary attribute with a concise description of the contentscontentdeveloper
20PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2labels must be programmatically associated to form controls using a forms and UIdeveloper
21PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2extra input information is programmatically marked upforms and UIdeveloper
22PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2two or more radio buttons, or checkbox controls must be grouped using a <fieldset>contentdeveloper
23PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2and, the <fieldset> must have a succinct <legend> elementcontentdeveloper
24PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2headings must be marked up using heading elementscontentdeveloper
25PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2lists must be marked up using <ul>, <ol>, <dl> elementscontentdeveloper
26PerceivableAdaptable1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsA2landmark regions have been correctly appliedstructuredeveloper
27PerceivableAdaptable1.3.2 Meaningful SequenceA2the reading order and navigation of content must be logical and intuitivestructuredeveloper
28PerceivableAdaptable1.3.3 Sensory CharacteristicsA2instructions for users must rely on more than solely visual cuescontentcontent editor
29PerceivableAdaptable1.3.3 Sensory CharacteristicsA2instructions for users must rely on more than sound or auditory cuescontentcontent editor
30PerceivableAdaptable1.3.4 OrientationAA2.1content orientation is not locked to either landscape or portrait unless essential for functionalitystructurevisual designer
31PerceivableAdaptable1.3.5 Identify Input PurposeAA2.1the autocomplete attribute is applied to common user input fieldsforms and UIdeveloper
32PerceivableAdaptable1.3.5 Identify Input PurposeAA2.1and, the autocomplete attribute value uses the correct and UIdeveloper
33PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.1 Use of ColorA2colour must not be the sole method of conveying information or distinguishing visual elementscolourvisual designer
34PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.1 Use of ColorA2link colour contrast is at least 3:1 and has an additional non-colour effect when hovered or in focuscolourvisual designer
35PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.2 Audio ControlA2a mechanism exists to stop, pause, mute or adjust audio which plays for longer than 3 secondsaudio / videoux / interaction designer
36PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)AA2text smaller than 24px and not bold has a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 with the background colourfont-size, structurevisual designer
37PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)AA2text smaller than 18.6px and bold has a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 with the background colourfont-size, structurevisual designer
38PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)AA2text at least 24px and not bold has a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 with the background colourfont-size, structurevisual designer
39PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)AA2text at least 18.6px and bold has a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 with the background colourfont-size, structurevisual designer
40PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.4 Resize textAA2all text (including controls) is readable at 200% browser zoomfont-size, structureux / interaction designer
41PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.5 Images of TextAA2no images of text exists unless essentialcontentcontent editor
42PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.10 ReflowAA2.1no horizontal scrollbars are shown at 400% browser zoomstructureux / interaction designer
43PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.11 Non-text ContrastAA2.1if a border is the only way to identify an active control it must have a minimum 3:1 contrast with the adjacent colourcolour, forms and UIvisual designer
44PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.11 Non-text ContrastAA2.1visual state of active control must have a minimum 3:1 contrast with adjacent colourcolourvisual designer
45PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.11 Non-text ContrastAA2.1parts of graphic required to understand the content have a minimum 3:1 contrast with adjacent colourcolourvisual designer
46PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.12 Text SpacingAA2.1there is no loss of content or functionality when the is appliedstructureux / interaction designer
47PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusAA2.1additional content triggered on hover or keyboard focus can be dismissed without moving mouse or keyboard focusdynamic content, keyboardux / interaction designer
48PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusAA2.1and, if hover triggers the content pointer can be moved to hovered content without disappearingdynamic content, keyboardux / interaction designer
49PerceivableDistinguishable1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusAA2.1and, additional content remains visible until hover or focus trigger is removed or user dismisses itdynamic content, keyboardux / interaction designer
50OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.1 KeyboardA2all functionality must be available from the keyboardcustom controls, forms and UI, keyboardux / interaction designer
51OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.1 KeyboardA2and, shortcut and access keys must not conflict with browser or assistive technology shortcutscustom controls, forms and UI, keyboardux / interaction designer
52OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.2 No Keyboard TrapA2keyboard focus must not become trapped in a page elementkeyboardux / interaction designer
53OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.2 No Keyboard TrapA2and, must be able to navigate to and from all interactive elements using only the keyboardkeyboardux / interaction designer
54OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.4 Character Key ShortcutsA2.1character key shortcuts can be turned offkeyboarddeveloper
55OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.4 Character Key ShortcutsA2.1or, character key shortcuts can be remappedkeyboarddeveloper
56OperableKeyboard Accessible2.1.4 Character Key ShortcutsA2.1or, character key shortcuts are only active when the relevant UI component is in focuskeyboarddeveloper
57OperableEnough Time2.2.1 Timing AdjustableA2page time limits have an option to turn off, adjust or extend the time limitdynamic contentux / interaction designer
58OperableEnough Time2.2.2 Pause Stop HideA2content that moves, blinks or scrolls automatically lasting longer than 5 seconds must be able to be paused, stopped or hiddendynamic contentux / interaction designer
59OperableSeizures and Physical Reactions2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below ThresholdA2page content must not flash more than 3 times per seconddynamic contentux / interaction designer
60OperableNavigable2.4.1 Bypass BlocksA2skip links are provided to avoid page elements that repeat across multiple pagesstructureux / interaction designer
61OperableNavigable2.4.1 Bypass BlocksA2or, a proper heading structure is providedstructureux / interaction designer
62OperableNavigable2.4.1 Bypass BlocksA2or, aria/HTML5 landmarks are providedstructureux / interaction designer
63OperableNavigable2.4.1 Bypass BlocksA2iframes must have descriptive, informative and unique titlesstructureux / interaction designer
64OperableNavigable2.4.2 Page TitledA2page <title> must be descriptive and informativestructurecontent editor
65OperableNavigable2.4.3 Focus OrderA2the navigation order of link, form elements and interactive components must be logicalstructureux / interaction designer
66OperableNavigable2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)A2each link is understandable solely from the displayed textcontent, linkcontent editor
67OperableNavigable2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)A2or, each link is understandable from the immediate surrounding contentcontent, linkcontent editor
68OperableNavigable2.4.5 Multiple WaysAA2at least 2 of related pages, table of contents, site map, site search, or list of web pages must be provided for non-workflowscontentux / interaction designer
69OperableNavigable2.4.6 Headings and LabelsAA2labels for form controls and interactive controls must be informativecustom controls, forms and UIcontent editor
70OperableNavigable2.4.6 Headings and LabelsAA2page headings must be informativestructurecontent editor
71OperableNavigable2.4.7 Focus VisibleAA2all interactive elements have a visible focus effectcustom controls, forms and UIvisual designer
72OperableInput Modalities2.5.1 Pointer GesturesA2.1path-based multi-point functionality can be operated with single-point actionscustom controlsux / interaction designer
73OperableInput Modalities2.5.2 Pointer CancellationA2.1functionality operated by a single mouse click does not use the down-eventcustom controlsdeveloper
74OperableInput Modalities2.5.2 Pointer CancellationA2.1or, the functionality can be undonecustom controlsdeveloper
75OperableInput Modalities2.5.2 Pointer CancellationA2.1or, the up-event reverses the action of the down-eventcustom controlsdeveloper
76OperableInput Modalities2.5.2 Pointer CancellationA2.1or, the down event is essential for the function (i.e. onscreen keyboard)custom controlsdeveloper
77OperableInput Modalities2.5.3 Label in NameA2.1UI controls which include a visible label have a matching full (or partial) accessible namecustom controls, forms and UIdeveloper
78OperableInput Modalities2.5.4 Motion ActuationA2.1functionality triggered by a users motion or gestures can be turned offstructureux / interaction designer
79OperableInput Modalities2.5.4 Motion ActuationA2.1and, functionality can be operated without device motion or user gesturesstructureux / interaction designer
80UnderstandableReadable3.1.1 Language of PageA2each page must have a lang attributestructuredeveloper
81UnderstandableReadable3.1.2 Language of PartsAA2content in a different language than the page default must be identified using the lang attributestructuredeveloper
82UnderstandablePredictable3.2.1 On FocusA2when an elements receives focus it must not result in a substantial clientside change to the pageforms and UIux / interaction designer
83UnderstandablePredictable3.2.2 On InputA2user initiated input must not result in a substantial clientside change to the pageforms and UIux / interaction designer
84UnderstandablePredictable3.2.3 Consistent NavigationAA2repeated navigation patterns are applied in the same relative order across multiple pagesstructurevisual designer
85UnderstandablePredictable3.2.4 Consistent IdentificationAA2elements with the same functionality are applied consistently across multiple pagesstructurevisual designer
86UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.1 Error IdentificationA2intuitive text based alerts must be provided for form validation cues and errorsforms and UIdeveloper
87UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.2 Labels or InstructionsA2a text label (not necessarily a label element) must be provided for form fieldsforms and UIdeveloper
88UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.2 Labels or InstructionsA2sufficient instructions must be provided for form fieldsforms and UIdeveloper
89UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.2 Labels or InstructionsA2a text label (not necessarily a label element), instructions or error message must be provided for required form fieldsforms and UIdeveloper
90UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.3 Error SuggestionAA2all clientside detected errors provide suggestions to fix the errorsforms and UIdeveloper
91UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.3 Error SuggestionAA2all clientside detected errors are provided in an accessible mannerforms and UIdeveloper
92UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal Financial Data)AA2a mechanism exists to reverse any legal, financial or data transaction mistakescontentdeveloper
93UnderstandableInput Assistance3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal Financial Data)AA2or, a mechanism exists to review and correct any legal, financial or data transactioncontentdeveloper
94RobustCompatible4.1.1 ParsingA2HTML elements must have complete start and end tagsstructuredeveloper
95RobustCompatible4.1.1 ParsingA2elements must be nested according to specificationstructuredeveloper
96RobustCompatible4.1.1 ParsingA2elements must not contain duplicate attributesstructuredeveloper
97RobustCompatible4.1.1 ParsingA2element ID's must be uniquestructuredeveloper
98RobustCompatible4.1.2 Name Role ValueA2user interface elements are used according to their specificationcustom controls, forms and UIdeveloper
99RobustCompatible4.1.2 Name Role ValueA2or, custom controls follow the controlsdeveloper
100RobustCompatible4.1.2 Name Role ValueA2a programmatic name, role and value exists for all user interface componentscustom controls, forms and UIdeveloper
101RobustCompatible4.1.3 Status MessagesAA2.1all client-side updated success or action outcome messages use role=statuscustom controlsdeveloper
102RobustCompatible4.1.3 Status MessagesAA2.1all client-side updated error or warning messages use role=alertcustom controlsdeveloper
103RobustCompatible4.1.3 Status MessagesAA2.1all client-side updated log or progress messages use role=logcustom controlsdeveloper